Presidential Visit - Showunmi Begs President Buhari to Rehabilitates Lagos-Abeokuta Road

Note to President Buhari - As you visit Ogun State

Mr President welcome to Ogun state a land you are aware of from your years as a young military officer in Alamala. Over the years, I am happy that you have kept a good relationship with the people of Ogun. In the name of all sons and daughters of the gateway state, I welcome you and your entourage! 

However, Sir, there are few issues I wish to bring to your notice, as they represent some of the things we would like you to help our state with. 

1. Mr President, as a gateway state, we have too many federal government roads that are in a calamitous state. The Lagos-Abeokuta road passing through Ota which is a National industrial hub is really bad. I believe that if the federal government cannot help with this all important road, please use your authority to get it handed over to the dual states of Lagos and Ogun for us to take it over and fix it. The Ota-Agbara road linking Badagry is in a very sorry state, and this is a road that connects us to Benin Republic. Mr President that road is not befitting of our status. The Sagamu-Ogijo-Ikorodu road is another road I wish to bring to the attention of the federal government. Mr President, please instruct your Minister of Works to give you a full and comprehensive briefing on the state of the federal roads in Ogun and you will agree with me that our state needs special consideration when it come to federal roads.
2. Mr President, the next issue on my list for your attention is the attitude of cu custom officers around our border town in the Ogun West Axis of Idiroko, Imeko-Afon, and Ipokia corridor. They kill and maim my people with reckless abandon under the guise of chasing smugglers, and looking for smuggled goods. Meanwhile, in connivance they allow known smugglers escape and get into the country while they run riots in our town and villages chasing shadows at the expense of my people. Mr President please read them the riot act that their responsibilities must be carried out with regard to human lives and peace of the citizens of the country. 
3. Mr President, we are in need of support in terms of ecological reclamation and re-stabilization of our soil as a result of both erosion and mining. Both of which naturally demand that help should come from the federal government. I will be grateful if you send down a team to do impact assessment with a view remedial activities. 
4. Mr President, do not forget your promise to land in our airport. Please help us make this promise a reality. There is enough justification for its viability and like you are aware you have given approval and funding for this airport. Mr President, it will remove a lot of pressure from the lagos-ibadan express way and further open up our state economy especially with our proximity to Africa as an international gateway. 
5. I must thank you for the Lagos-Ibadan Rail which passes through Abeokuta, for not to do so will be most ungrateful, as it is not part of our Omoluabi culture, I say thank you sir. 
6. Finally, Mr President, Abeokuta is your home and you can be rest assured you are always welcome. Have a lovely day and safe journey back to your base in Abuja. 

Yours Sincerely 
Segun Showunmi 
Abeokuta Ogun state.


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