OGD's ADMINISTRATION: An Era Of Meaningful Development And Positive Impact

An Era Of Meaningful Development and Positive Impact*
Apart from being tagged an era of 'Business Unusual', many of us living in Ogun state did not know what to expect immediately he assumed office, but what was certain was that his campaign was unique, therefore we had no reason to be afraid of what to come.

One will remember vividly that immediately he won the election, he commenced his work, visiting all government ministries, assets, and monuments, right on the spot, he was dishing out instructions on how to wake Ogun state the sleeping giant.

He had all programmes planned out, he visited China and other business thriving countries to replicate their models in Ogun state, which gave us economic boost like our neighbouring state, Lagos.

It is important to say that the efforts put into Ogroma, Ogegep, and Agriculture showed to the world the calibre of political individual, we breed in Ogun state. Within a short time he bagged the Best Performed Governor of the year (an Africa Leadership Prize) in 2003 -2004.

It was an era that awards were given on merit, and not bought with money or gotten through lobbying.

As if the journey is far, City People Magazine Award for Best Performing Governor for 2003 – 2004 came, then it became real that Otunba Gbenga Daniel was in a class of his own, he has distinguished himself as the most talked about and effective Governor in Nigeria.

One of the mouth opening awards came from the American Biographical Institute Inc in 2004, Otunba Gbenga Daniel was issued 'Man of the Year', a well exposed individual can testify to the fact that American Biographical Institute follow due process before giving awards.

There is no sector in the state that does not feel the golden touch of the man with the midas touch, no wonder his landmark achievement in education earned him an award of Best Performing Governor in Primary Education Development in 2005.

The glorious era had so many achievements in the area of human capital development and this monumental excellence got the Governor Corporate Governance Award of the Institute of Directors, Nigeria, 2005,  Zik Leadership Award 2006,  The Raymond Dokpesi:Electronic Media Award 2009,  Best Governor in the South-West, by National Daily Newspaper,  Best Performing Governor, Heroes of Nigeria Project, African Leadership Magazine, 2009.

The award of the Best Performing Governor in the South west came after being awarded as the best performing Governor in Nigeria, which South-West cannot be removed from, his  contemporaries during this period knew that OGD was a rare breed.

Then came African Star Excellence Award in Enterprise Development, African Business Leadership Consortium (2010), Humanitarian Award:Plight of Africa Foundation 2010, followed by an Award of Excellence, Nigeria Medical Association, (Ogun State, Branch) as a result of his great accomplishment in the health sector.

The Eight years reign of Daniel was an era of awards, an award of Excellence by Shelter Watch Initiative 2006,  Award of Excellence, NYSC, Yewa North 2009. It is not out of place to mention that Otunba Gbenga Daniel gave maximum supports to NYSC during his administration, which was why he built them an ultra modern orientation camp.

Otunba Gbenga Daniel also bagged an Award of Excellence by Christian Association of Nigeria, Ogun State Chapter, 2006, Merit Award for Excellence Peace and Conflict Resolution, Owan Progressive Union, Abeokuta Branch,  Award of Excellence, Ogun State Teaching Service Commission (2004), Best Telecom Supporting Governor, Nigerian Telecom Awards.

Ogun state was exposed to computer and internet when Otunba Gbenga Daniel became the Governor of Ogun state, it was during this time that the state website was built, others after him can only build on what he has achieved in office.

Other Awards received by Otunba Gbenga Daniel include:

*Good Governance Award by the Institute of Directors (2005)*

*Distinguished Honours Award, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan*

*Special Award, Lions Club District 404B (Nigeria (2007)*

*Certificate of Merit Nigerian Society of Engineers (2004)*

*Fellowship Award, Remo Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture*

*Service Award, Africa-UK Youth Exchange Programme (2007)*

*Supportive State Government Award, Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)*

*Governor of the Year, FAME Achievers’ Award, 2005*

*Best Governor in Nigeria Award, Nigeria Association of Nigerian Students*

*Merit Award, United NATIONS Office on Drugs and Crimes 2005*

*Award of Excellence NYSC, Sagamu (2017)*

*Roll of Honours, University College Hospital, Ibadan (2017)*

*Merit Award, Sigma Club, University of Ibadan, 2004*

*Merit Award, Handball Association of Nigeria, 2003*

*Examination Ethics Chief Master Marshall, Exam Ethics International (2009)*

*Honours Award, Association of Advertising Practitioners of Nigeria (2003)*

*Presidential Merit Award, National Institute of Marketing of Nigeria (2004)*

*Award of Excellence, Molusi College, Ijebu Igbo (2009)*

*Grand Commander of Nigerian Students, National Association of Nigerian Students*

*Noble International Award, West African International Magazine (2004)*

*Meritorious Award, Ohana Eze Ndi Igbo (2009)*

*Golden Jubilee Prime Award, Nigerian Society of Engineers (2008)*

*Gold Merit Award (NUJ) NAN Chapel b(2004*

*Certificate of Appreciation International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sports and Dance (ICHPER SD) (2003)*

In Conclusion, Otunba Gbenga has received so many awards even outside office, the recent one was an  award given to him by Bisi Olatilo Show as 'The Most Supportive Personality', to establish that people will forever be celebrated for their meaningful contributions to society and human developments.


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